How to Create a FAQ Page on Squarespace
I’ve mentioned before that I love a great FAQ page. These innocuous little pages are great not just for helping people learn more about what you sell or how to work with you but can also boost SEO because they are usually just naturally keyword-rich! Another thing I love about FAQ pages is that having one is another way that you can keep your product pages looking clean and simple. Here are some tips for making your FAQ page plus a couple of options for how to add a good-looking one to your site.
Tip 1:
Create Sections & Keep Things Organized
Think of organizing your FAQ page just like you would your shop by keeping like with like. Creating sections to group your FAQs together also keeps the page skimmable. Remember, people aren’t going to read this page word for word. They are there to get an answer to a… frequently asked question. If you have just a handful of FAQs, go ahead and lump them all together but if you have quite a few break them up into sections by topic such as those about shipping, ordering, your products, your company, etc.
Tip 2:
Focus on Your Customer & Use Their Voice
Have you ever stumbled upon a super passive-aggressive FAQ page? One where you know for a fact that no one has ever asked any of the questions and the store owner is just using it as a way to blast some rules and talk about themselves? Don’t be like this. Your FAQ page should always be focused on your customer - not you or your business. Think of what problems they have that you can help solve and not the other way around. A great FAQ page should really just be an extension of your great attitude towards customer service. Lastly, on this point, use their voice and ask questions from their point of view!
Tip 3:
Add Links To Keep People Moving
Don’t send your visitors on a scavenger hunt for info by telling them to check out another page or a product description -- link them right to it! I liken this to the real-life experience of asking a grocery store employee where to find a certain product. The lazy employee just vaguely points you in the general direction and maybe tells you what aisle the product might be on; the helpful one walks you right to it and stays to make sure you found what you need. Do the same thing on your site! This not only ensures that customers find exactly what they are looking for but also reduces the chances of them leaving empty-handed out of frustration.
Tip 4:
Keep It Short
Both your answers and the questions :)
2 Ways to Create an FAQ Page on Squarespace
There are two main ways to add a FAQ page to your Squarespace site and the one you choose is really going to depend on 1) how many FAQs you have and 2) the look & aesthetic you’re going for.
Use a FAQ Page Layout
The first option is to use one of the designer page layouts already in Squarespace in the same way you’d add any other new page. This is super easy because you can just type over the placeholder text with your own content!
Step 1: Add a new page and choose “Page Layouts”
Step 2: Scroll down to FAQs and select one of the pre-designed layouts
Add Content using the NEW Squarespace accordion block
If you want to get fancy and/or if you have a ton of FAQs and hiding the body content so it’s only visible when you click on it is a popular option. You used to have to add FAQ accordions using (usually) paid code but Squarespace has recently added a new accordion block so you can just one like any other element on your pages! Here’s an example:
And you could put the answer here!
And another awesome answer!
Yep, it sure is!