7 Proven Email List Building Tips for Squarespace Shops

7 Proven Email List Building Tips for Squarespace Shops

If you're running a Squarespace Commerce site and haven't tapped into the power of email marketing yet, you're missing out on some serious revenue potential. Trust me, as a seasoned Squarespace expert and eCommerce strategist, I've seen firsthand how a well-crafted email strategy can skyrocket your sales and customer loyalty.

But here's the thing: Before you can start crafting compelling email campaigns, you need to build a list of eager subscribers ready to engage with your content and offers. Luckily, with a few savvy strategies and some irresistible incentives, you can transform your Squarespace site into an email list building powerhouse.

So, grab your favorite beverage, get comfy, and let's dive into my top 7 tips for growing your email list like a pro. These tried-and-true tactics have helped my clients boost their subscriber count and drive real results. Let's get started!

  1. Offer an irresistible sign-up incentive - A discount code or offer of free upgraded shipping on their first order can be just the motivation people need to sign up for your emails. This strategy works especially well for new, small, or lesser-known brands that may need an extra nudge to encourage potential customers to try their products.

  2. Leverage Squarespace's promotional pop-up feature - Grab your browsing shoppers' attention and drive sign-ups by utilizing Squarespace's built-in promotional pop-up tool. Customize the design and messaging to align with your brand and offer a compelling reason to join your list.

  3. Include an email opt-in form in your website footer - Ensuring you have an email sign-up form in your footer means it will appear on every page of your site, maximizing conversion opportunities. Keep the form simple and straightforward, highlighting the key benefits of subscribing to your list.

  4. Incorporate email sign-up into your checkout process - Make joining your email list a seamless part of your Squarespace checkout process. Add a checkbox or opt-in field to your checkout page, making it easy for customers to subscribe while completing their purchases. For more tips on optimizing your checkout, check out my post on creating a seamless checkout experience.

  5. Create exclusive, gated content upgrades - Develop valuable content pieces related to your products or niche, such as guides, checklists, or insider tips. Position these resources as "VIP customer access" materials, requiring an email address to unlock them. This approach helps build your list while providing genuine value to your audience.

  6. Pitch your list in post-purchase emails - After a customer makes a purchase, use the auto-confirmation email to highlight the benefits of joining your email list and include a sign-up link. This is a great opportunity to engage with customers who have already shown interest in your brand. If you want to take your post-purchase emails to the next level, explore my product on customizing transactional emails.

  7. Experiment with creative calls-to-action - To find what resonates best with your audience, test different calls-to-action on your email sign-up buttons. Try phrases like "Join the VIP List," "Become an Insider," or "Get Exclusive Offers" instead of generic phrasing like "Subscribe." Track which CTAs drive the most conversions and optimize accordingly.

Actionable Takeaways

  • Choose an enticing sign-up incentive that aligns with your brand and target audience

  • Set up a pop-up and footer opt-in form on your Squarespace site today

  • Brainstorm a valuable content upgrade you can offer as a "VIP" opt-in incentive

  • Test at least 2 different CTA phrases on your sign-up buttons this week


  • Aim to email your list at least once a month to keep your brand top-of-mind, but not so often that you overwhelm your subscribers. Consistency is key!

  • Mix it up with a blend of valuable content, exclusive offers, product updates, and behind-the-scenes peeks into your brand. Focus on providing value, not just pushing sales.

  • Keep an eye on your open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. If you're not seeing the results you want, don't be afraid to experiment and try new approaches.

Bottom Line

There you have it – 7 powerful strategies to supercharge your email list growth on Squarespace. Remember, building a thriving list takes time and consistency, but with these tips in your toolkit, you'll be well on your way to cultivating a community of loyal subscribers who can't wait to hear from you. So, pick a strategy, implement it on your site, and watch your list and your sales grow! You've got this!

Kristine Neil

Squarespace eCommerce Expert

My simple eCommerce solutions help you sell on Squarespace with confidence so that you can focus on running your business.

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