Squarespace 7.0 vs 7.1: What’s Different for eCommerce

What Are The Differences For eCommerce on Squarespace 7.0 vs 7.1

Unless you’re deep in the web design industry trenches, you may not have realized that Squarespace released a new version of their platform in early 2020. It was a major change that could easily have been missed if you already had a Squarespace website built at that time. (If that’s you and you want to see which version you’re on, here's how to check.)

In this guide, I’ll provide a quick comparison of the two platforms: Squarespace 7.0 and Squarespace 7.1. This will be helpful if you already have a 7.0 site and are thinking about upgrading. (Hint: it’s worth it!) If you’re completely new to Squarespace you may still find reviewing this list helpful for a couple of reasons. First, because it shows that Squarespace is truly committed to making strong progress for eCommerce customers. And second, so you can get a feel for some of the features and capabilities available to you. 

What’s The Same

Before we jump into all the ways that Squarespace 7.0 and 7.1 are different, it’s important to note that they are in a lot of ways very much the same. Here’s what has not changed: 

  • Analytics & SEO

  • What you can sell, with some special notes about subscription products (included below)

  • Payment options

  • Shipping options

  • Customer notifications & emails

  • How you manage & fulfill orders

What’s Different

The major difference between the two platforms (aside from the Commerce options which we’ll get to in a second) is how you add content and style your site.

In brief, on Squarespace 7.0 there were lots of different template options but they did not all have the same features or functionality. This meant there could sometimes be pressure to choose the “right” one from the start or risk being locked into something that didn’t work. On 7.1, all templates have the same features and functionality. The templates just show different ways you can style or layout pages depending on your needs and design preferences. They’re all just a jumping-off point. Each page is infinitely customizable and easy to style which is just one of the reasons why I love Squarespace.

Okay! Jumping into those differences for eCommerce which is the whole reason why we’re here!

Squarespace 7.0

Squarespace 7.1

Number of products

Up to 200 products per Store Page

Up to 10,000 products per Store Page

Number of product variations

Up to 100 variants (classic editor)

Up to 250 variants (new editor)

Ability to mport product tags & categories

Not possible

Yes, including sub-categories


How categories are displayed depends on template, with some limited ability to show/hide categories

Drag-and-drop organization

Each category has a filtered category page that can be enabled or disabled


Not Available

Yes, up to three levels

Shop Category Navigation

How categories are displayed by template with some having more options than others

Categories can only be displayed alphabetically

Categories & nested subcategories are displayed on the shop page automatically, either at the top or as a sidebar

Optional: hide categories using the Filter Visibility toggle

Categories can be arranged in any order you choose

Etsy Product Import Limits



Shopping Cart Icon

Display depends on template; some show by default, some are hidden

Some templates allow you to hide the icon but people will not be able to access their cart unless you have Express Checkout turned on

Displays in header by default even if the cart is empty

If you decide to hide it, a cart icon will appear at the bottom of the page when someone adds a product to their cart

Customer Account Login Link

Display depends on template; if your template is not one of them an account login link will need to manually be added to the navigation

Displays automatically if accounts are enabled

Product Waitlists

Only available on sites with Advanced store pages

Available on all plans

Store Pages

No other content can be added

Ability to add content sections & blocks above or below store content

Subscription Products

Work best on a limited set of templates that include a sign in link automatically

No limitations

Product Images

How images display depends on your template’s store page type

All display options are universally available

Product Thumbnails

Shown on Advanced store pages

Shown on all shop pages

Image Hover Effects

Depends on template, not universally available

When more than one image is added, the second image is shown upon hover automatically

Sold Out Labels

Only available on sites with templates that have Advanced store pages, may be hidden

Always shown

In general, I think you can see that one of the biggest advantages to 7.1 over 7.0 is that you don’t need to worry about what template you choose as that no longer limits your ability to customize and set up your eCommerce store as you’d like. The only time limitations come into play is when choosing a Squarespace plan but I’ve got you covered on how to find the right plan for you in this post

What to do if you’re on 7.0 and want to upgrade?

So excited! You’re gonna love it! The only caveat is that it’s not currently possible to do a direct upgrade from one platform to the other. What this means is that when you’re ready to make the switch, you’ll need to redesign your site on 7.1. You’ll still be able to use your same Squarespace account login and moving over your domains and any other subscriptions to the new site is super easy. The important thing to remember is that this is a whole new platform and a whole new website

How to time your upgrade perfectly

A practical tip I have is to take a look at when your current website subscription is set to renew. (Not sure when that is? Here’s how to find out.) Strategically, making the leap to 7.1 a month or two before that would make a seamless transition. (If you really just can’t wait to upgrade, you can always change your billing cycle to monthly as a workaround 😉) Chances are if you’ve had your site long enough that it’s still on 7.0 it’s time for an update!

Kristine Neil

Squarespace eCommerce Expert

My simple eCommerce solutions help you sell on Squarespace with confidence so that you can focus on running your business.

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