Squarespace and ConvertKit: The Dynamic Duo for Your Online Business

Squarespace and ConvertKit: The Dynamic Duo for Your Online Business.png

There's a dynamic duo in the tech world that's been flying under the radar for too long: Squarespace and ConvertKit. They're like the perfect pair, just as inseparable as peanut butter and jelly or Batman and Robin. Squarespace is the master of providing a seamless selling experience, while ConvertKit swoops in with its superpowers in email marketing. Together, they create an unstoppable force that can turbocharge your online business and take it to new heights. Forget about ordinary, these two are extraordinary when combined.

Seamlessly Sell with Squarespace Commerce

Squarespace Commerce is renowned for its user-friendly interface and stunning templates that make setting up an online store a breeze. But when you combine Squarespace Commerce with ConvertKit, you unlock a world of possibilities. With Squarespace Commerce, you can showcase your products, securely handle transactions, and effortlessly manage your inventory. And with ConvertKit, you can automate post-purchase emails, recommend related products, and keep your customers engaged long after they've made a purchase.

One of the standout features of Squarespace Commerce is its integration with popular payment gateways, such as Stripe and PayPal. This ensures a seamless checkout experience for your customers, increasing trust and reducing cart abandonment. By connecting ConvertKit to Squarespace Commerce, you can leverage these selling capabilities and send targeted emails to customers based on their purchase history, interests, or other criteria. This level of personalization and segmentation can significantly improve the effectiveness of your email campaigns and drive repeat business. With an email list, you’re no longer reliant on social media!

Unleash the Power of ConvertKit's Email Marketing

While Squarespace does offer its own email campaigns feature, there's no denying that ConvertKit takes email marketing to a whole new level. With ConvertKit, you'll have the ability to create highly targeted and personalized email sequences that are triggered by specific customer actions. This means you can send product-specific emails to your customers, nurturing them throughout their buying journey and increasing the chances of repeat purchases.

ConvertKit's automation feature allows you to set up workflows that automatically send emails based on customer behavior, such as purchases or website interactions. This helps you deliver timely and relevant content to your subscribers, boosting engagement and driving sales. With ConvertKit, you can say goodbye to generic email blasts and hello to personalized, conversion-focused communication. (Not sold on ConvertKit yet? Check out this post where I break down my top 3 email marketing platform picks.)

How to Connect Squarespace and ConvertKit: Simple Step-by-Step Guides

Now that you're ready to harness the power of this tech combo, let's walk through how to connect Squarespace and ConvertKit.

Two Options for Collecting Subscriber Info

Option 1: Embedding a ConvertKit Form onto Squarespace

This option is perfect if you'd like to use ConvertKit's forms for collecting subscriber information. The best part is even though you can customize and tweak each form within ConvertKit, you also have freedom to customize these forms with your very own custom CSS on Squarespace.

  1. In your ConvertKit account, create a captivating form that captures the information you need from your website visitors. You can customize the fields and design to align with your brand.

  2. Copy the provided embed code from ConvertKit. Don’t worry, it’s just one line of code - you can’t mess this up!

  3. Head over to your Squarespace website and navigate to the page where you want to add the form.

  4. Edit the page, then add a Code Block.

  5. Paste the ConvertKit embed code into the Code Block.

  6. Save your changes, and like magic 🔮 your ConvertKit form seamlessly integrates into your Squarespace website.

Option 2: Adding Squarespace Subscribers to ConvertKit

If you'd like to use Squarespace's own forms for collecting email addresses instead of embedding a ConvertKit form, don't worry! You can still easily send the subscriber data to ConvertKit. All you have to do is create a Zapier account, which you can sign up for absolutely free. Just remember that to access the API and use this integration, a paid ConvertKit plan is required. With Zapier, you can automate the process of transferring subscriber data from Squarespace to ConvertKit, ensuring a seamless and efficient workflow for your email marketing efforts.

  1. Connect your Squarespace form to Zapier:

    • Click on your Squarespace form and go to the Storage tab.

    • Click on the Connect button next to "Zapier".

    • Save your work and go back to your Home Menu.

    • Navigate to Settings > Advanced > Developer API Keys.

    • Click on Generate Key and name your key. Check the "Forms" box.

    • Click on "Generate Key" and Copy Key to copy the API key.

  2. Set up the Zapier trigger step (Squarespace):

    • Go to zapier.com and create a new automation workflow or "Zap".

    • Choose Squarespace as the Trigger App and New Form Submission as the Trigger Event.

    • Connect your Squarespace account with Zapier using the API key.

    • Select the Squarespace form you want to send subscriber data to ConvertKit for.

    • Test the trigger to ensure everything is set up correctly.

  3. Configure the Zapier action step (ConvertKit):

    • Choose ConvertKit as the Action App.

    • Select the desired Action Event (e.g., Add Subscriber to Form, Add Tag to Subscriber). For example, you may have a form called "Freebie XYZ." When someone signs up through that form, ConvertKit can tag them as "Freebie XYZ". This tag allows you to trigger various automations and sequences. This allows you to serve your subscribers a customized experience, tailored just for them!

    • Connect your ConvertKit account to Zapier.

    • Map the Squarespace subscriber data to ConvertKit's subscriber fields.

    • Test the Action to confirm it's working as expected.

  4. Name your Zap and turn it on to activate the integration.

This integration eliminates the need for manual importing or exporting of subscriber lists, saving you time and ensuring accurate data.

How to Capture Squarespace Customer Info in ConvertKit

The ConvertKit + Squarespace Commerce integration allows you to send product-specific, post-purchase emails to your customers, nurturing them and encouraging repeat purchases. By setting up automations in ConvertKit, you can create a personalized customer journey that keeps your audience engaged and increases their lifetime value. With ConvertKit's analytics and reporting tools, you can also track the performance of your email campaigns and optimize your marketing efforts for maximum results.

Using The ConvertKit + Squarespace Commerce Integration

  1. Generate an API Key in Squarespace:

    • Go to Settings > Advanced > Developer API Keys in Squarespace.

    • Click the 'Generate Key' button.

    • Give your key a name and select 'Orders' > 'Read and Write' under Permissions.

    • Click 'Generate Key' and then 'Copy Key' to save the API key.

  2. Connect the Integration in ConvertKit:

    • In ConvertKit, go to Automations > Integrations.

    • Click on Squarespace.

    • Paste the API Key from Squarespace into the API Key field in ConvertKit.

    • Click Next and then click the 'Sync Squarespace orders to ConvertKit' button.

    • Click Next again, and now you can track your Squarespace Commerce purchases from within ConvertKi

Now, here's the icing on the cake: this integration doesn't require any coding or complex workarounds. It's designed with small business owners and startups in mind, making it accessible to everyone. Give Squarespace and ConvertKit a try today and see how they can transform your eCommerce email marketing. With this dynamic duo by your side, you'll have the tools to grow your online business and engage your customers like never before.

Kristine Neil

Squarespace eCommerce Expert

My simple eCommerce solutions help you sell on Squarespace with confidence so that you can focus on running your business.

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