My Favorite Squarespace Plugins & Extensions for eCommerce
One of my favorite things about Squarespace is that almost everything you need to run your eCommerce business is built right in. Believe it or not, there are some website platforms where adding simple things like an Instagram feed or a contact form require (paid) third party apps (lookin’ at you, Shopify 😬). Luckily, Squarespace does both of those things - and much more - for us! However, there are a few areas where you may still need to look to a few strategic add-ons to enhance the eCommerce experience for your customers, or make life easier on you as the store owner. Here are the Squarespace plugins and third party apps I look to time and again for almost every eCommerce project I do on Squarespace.
Squarespace plugins are little code snippets that allow you to extend or customize the way Squarespace looks or functions. Most plugins come with a one-time upfront cost and once you add the code to your site you’re done.
Custom Order Confirmation Page
This plugin from Ghost is quick and easy to install - the perfect way to add a little personality to your site and replace the boring order confirmation page with something that matches your brand and personality.
Custom Cart Slide Out Plugin
This plugin makes it so your customer don’t have to scroll back up to hunt for their cart. It’s easy to install and offers a lot of customizable options.
Breadcrumbs Plugin
Breadcrumbs are the little bits of navigation that help shoppers remember where they’ve been or how they got to the page they’re on. As a default, Squarespace shows only the first page and current page - and no steps in between! This plugin is probably one of my most often used and adds true breadcrumbs to your shop’s navigation.
Product Color Image Swatch Plugin
Change up those boring text dropdowns to color icons! You can even upload your own images to show different patterns or textures - whatever you’d like! This plugin is a must for any sort of apparel or fashion site.
Sync Product Variant Images Plugin
This plugin works great on it’s own or in conjunction with the swatch plugin above. This plugin extends the way product variant images are displayed. By default, Squarespace will show a variant image (assuming you’ve assigned one) but it only works in one direction and doesn’t allow you to group images based on the variant selected.
Upsell Plugin
It’s easy to add an upsell page to Squarespace using this plugin! The way this works is that your customers are redirected to a landing page after they add something to their cart. This plugin is great because you can design the landing page however you like.
Universal Filter Plugin
This plugin is probably the most intensive as far as coding goes but also one of the most powerful! I would say it is a necessity if you have a lot of categories or tags you’d like shoppers to be able to search and filter by. This functionality here blows Squarespace’s built-in search out of the water!
Unlike plugins, Squarespace extensions typically come with a monthly subscription cost. They aren’t just code snippet you copy and paste into your site, they are third party apps that you can sync up to your Squarespace shop to extend the functionality of your site.
Aftership Tracking
This extension allows you to provide customers with a branded tracking page and even send updates about deliveries - which I love! You can even use the tracking page to add links to other offers or specials to attract people back to your shop.
My hands down favorite shipping extension that I think everyone should be using. Easyship makes it… easy to fulfill orders with the added benefit of discounted shipping rates versus paying retail or printing labels directly through Squarespace.
Aftership Returns
Even if you never process a single return, this extension is worth the minimum plan since customers LOVE being able to see that they could return if they wanted to. This extension creates a self-service returns portal just like all the major eCommerce brands have.
Candid Wholesale
If you’re selling wholesale another way now - or looking to add a wholesale channel in the future - save yourself the headaches, skip all other options, and go with Candid. Everything you need to manage those relationships and sell in a secure way to your wholesale partners.
If you’re selling on multiple channels (think Etsy, Amazon, Shopify) OR you sell bundles or kits on Squarespace, this nifty little app will help you keep your inventory in check. Update in one place and -magic!- all your various sales channels follow suit.
Personal story time: since adding LiveChat to my site people rarely fill out my contact form. Why? People trust a live chat widget more than they do a form and it’s everyone’s favorite way to communicate! LiveChat is simple to install and you can get started really fast!
Bottom Line
With a few simple, strategic add-ons you can take your basic Squarespace site and turn it into a stellar eCommerce powerhouse. With the right plugins and extensions you can customize the customer experience, improve your metrics and even see more sales! Thankfully, most of what we need to sell on Squarespace is already built right in but these tools come in handy when you just want to go the extra mile.