My Most Recommended Squarespace Shipping Strategy for eCommerce Success

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Are your customers abandoning their shopping carts without completing a purchase? It's possible that your current shipping strategy is working against you! If you want to improve abandonment rates, increase your average cart values, and provide a seamless shopping experience on Squarespace, look no further than my highly recommended shipping strategy. In this post, I'll guide you through the steps of setting up this conversion-optimized shipping strategy on Squarespace. Not only will it boost your sales, but it will also leave your customers super happy. That’s what we call a win-win!

The Importance of a Free Shipping Offer on Squarespace

Setting up a free shipping offer is the key to encouraging customers to buy more on Squarespace. By providing a flat rate shipping option and allowing customers to bypass it by spending a certain amount, you eliminate any surprises and reduce friction in the cart. Customers won't feel nickel and dimed when they see the shipping cost, and they'll appreciate the added value of getting something for their money. Plus, this strategy will ultimately increase your average cart values, benefiting your Squarespace business in the long run. This is seriously a win-win strategy all around!

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting up Squarespace Shipping with My Recommended Strategy

Let's dive into the details of setting up Squarespace shipping. Start by determining your current average cart value on Squarespace. For example, let's say it's $50. Your goal is to entice customers to spend a little more, so consider setting a free shipping threshold slightly higher than your average, such as $70. Customers who don't meet this threshold will be offered a flat rate shipping cost, which covers the bulk of your shipping expenses.

To implement this strategy on Squarespace, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Squarespace settings and navigate to the shipping section.

  2. Set up two flat rate options: one for the affordable, slower shipping option, and another for the faster upgrade option. For example, you can offer priority mail for $9.99 per order as the flat rate option on Squarespace. Be mindful of your shipping zones and consider limiting shipping to specific regions to avoid incurring high costs. For instance, you may choose to ship only within the United States on Squarespace.

  3. In addition to the flat rate options, give customers the choice to upgrade to express shipping on Squarespace. This caters to those who value faster delivery and are willing to pay a premium for it. Offering an express shipping option, such as UPS second day air for $18.99, taps into the mindset of customers who are accustomed to quick deliveries from major online retailers.

Offering Free Shipping as an Incentive on Squarespace

Now, let's talk about the highlight of this strategy on Squarespace: the free shipping offer. Create an automatic discount for orders that meet the minimum spending threshold (e.g., $70) on Squarespace. This discount will remove the flat rate shipping cost, providing customers with free shipping as long as they choose the priority mail option. Make sure to communicate this offer clearly during checkout on Squarespace, so customers are aware of the potential savings.

To further promote your free shipping offer on Squarespace, utilize marketing tools like the announcement bar. Enable this feature and prominently display the message "Free shipping on orders over $70" along with a call-to-action like "Shop now." This clickable bar will redirect customers to your Squarespace shop, ensuring they don't miss out on the opportunity to benefit from the free shipping offer.

Enhancing the Shopping Experience on Squarespace

By following these simple steps on Squarespace, you can set up my most recommended shipping strategy and enhance the shopping experience for your customers. No more surprises at checkout, no more feeling nickel and dimed. Transparency and the allure of free shipping will entice customers to spend a little more on Squarespace, ultimately boosting your sales and average cart values.

Give this strategy a try on Squarespace and let me know how it works for you. Happy shipping!

Kristine Neil

Squarespace eCommerce Expert

My simple eCommerce solutions help you sell on Squarespace with confidence so that you can focus on running your business.

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