6 Steps to a Great Sales Page

6 Steps to a Great Sales Page

Updated Sept 2022

“Sales page” does not have to be such a yucky word! Like, seriously, doesn’t just reading it skeeve you out a little?! Like I feel a little gross just typing this out! But, I will persist just for you! Because sales pages are important and done right can get you RESULTS.

Here’s the thing: kinda all the pages on your website are sales pages. Or at least they should be. Because really all a sales page is, is a page that is doing its damndest to get someone to buy. And isn’t that the point of your whole website? Anyways, let’s forge on.

According to Neil Patel, these are the 11 (count ‘em - eleven) components of a highly converting sales page:

  1. Headline

  2. Subheadline

  3. Image

  4. Video

  5. Brief copy

  6. Call to action

  7. Trust signals

  8. Explanation of the product or service

  9. Benefits of the product or service

  10. Testimonials

  11. More CTA

Seems easy enough, right? Well, I would say that you could make it even easier! Here’s a simplified, pared-down version with just six key parts that anyone can do!

A Sales Page in Six Steps

Tip #1

Start With A Great Headline

Here’s where Neil and I (and generally the rest of the internet) are on the same page. You’ve got to start off strong with a short, compelling reason to get people to stay on the page and keep reading. Our tendency when writing is to focus on ourselves (“Here’s what I offer!) but a stronger headline would help the visitor feel heard or understood, reassuring them that they are in the right place and that the answers to whatever problems you’re going to solve for them are just a bit down the page.

Example: Sonder.com shows off how they’re different but keeps it focused on what their customers want: short term rentals with impeccable design.


Tip #2

Build Some Rapport

After you’ve caught their attention, help readers know that you really do understand them. Tell a brief story they may relate to, use words or phrases they may use, show them that you know how they are thinking or feeling right in that moment. Remember, they landed on your page because they are actively thinking about a problem they are having.

Example: Ruby.com focuses on how their services can alleviate pain points for their customers.


Tip #3

Throw Out The Opening Pitch

You’ve gotta tell them what you’re selling and ideally (if you did your job right in step #2), your offer is the answer to all their problems! 😉If you’re a service-based business, selling what you offer in the form of a product can be very powerful and really help people understand what they’ll be getting.

Example: Purebarre.com invites beginners to try a free class or download their app to jump into training.


Tip #4

Be Transparent About Cost

This doesn’t have to be a super awkward slide-a-piece-of-paper-across-the-desk moment. Again, if you’ve done a great job at framing things as problem > solution above the price almost becomes irrelevant. Also, sorry to be obvious here, but no one is under the delusion that you’re doing what you do for free so just putting the price out there in plain sight is way less awkward than having them contact you only to realize that you’re selling champagne and they have a beer budget.

Example: Headspace.com flips the script a little by leading with their cost right up front but I love how simple it is!


Tip #5

Prove You’re Worth It

Back up your claims to greatness with testimonials from past clients and/or descriptions of any guarantees you may offer. Help customers feel reassured that you’re legit and they’ll start to see themselves as one of the positive outcomes!

Example: Butcherbox.com shares testimonials people have posted to social media for a great dose of street cred!


Tip #6

Make the ask!

Whatever it is: your {“Buy Now” “Book Now” “Download Now”} button goes here! At this point, remember the 4 S’s and make it short, sweet, straightforward, and simple!

Example: Anchor.fm ends a great sales page with a simple & bold CTA - get started!

Kristine Neil

Squarespace eCommerce Expert

My simple eCommerce solutions help you sell on Squarespace with confidence so that you can focus on running your business.

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