5 Squarespace App Tips & Tricks

5 Squarespace App Tips & Tricks

If you’re using your Squarespace site to sell… pretty much anything… you should totally be using the Squarespace App! It’s basically like having a powerful little store right in your pocket wherever you go and it makes it super easy to manage orders, shipments and inventory right from your phone or tablet!

The funny thing about the Squarespace app is that I think it’s one of the most underused resources available to Squarespace store owners and it’s actually a super robust tool that’s free to download as a companion to the desktop experience. Most of the functionality is what you think it might be - it allows you to see orders as they come in and mark them as shipped, etc. but there are some things I bet you had no idea it could do! 


Here are 5 tips and tricks to using the Squarespace app that I hope inspire you to think about how you can incorporate it to help make the behind-the-scenes part of running your online business look as good as your website. Before I get into all my favorite functions, here’s an overview of all the things you can do in the Squarespace app:

  • Add and delete product photos

  • Add order notes

  • Add products

  • Contact a customer

  • Create and manage discounts

  • Edit basic product information

  • Fulfill orders and scan shipping labels

  • Redeem gift cards

  • Refund and cancel orders

  • Sell in person via Squarespace Point of Sale

  • Track shipments

  • Update stock levels

  • View customer details

  • View order details

  • Share products to social media (Android version only)

Scanning barcodes like a shipping boss!

Scanning barcodes like a shipping boss!

  1. Redeem Gift Cards in Person - This is a new capability and definitely one of the coolest! Not only does this mean that you can redeem online gift cards in person (great if you’re a restaurant, cafe, salon, boutique, or any other retailer with a physical location) but that you can even lookup people’s gift cards using their email address if they don’t have their gift card code handy. 

  2. Scan Shipping Labels - Because typing all those numbers out can be tedious and an invitation for human error! Basically, the app turns your phone into one of those fancy handheld delivery guy device things. Just choose the order you’re fulfilling, scan the barcode and the info is sent to the customer. This works especially well if you’re not using one of the available Squarespace shipping extensions - most of which will automatically sync tracking info back to Squarespace for you anyways. 

  3. Add Order Notes - TBH is this something most people don’t know they can do in Squarespace anyways, let alone also on the app. The ability to add internal notes to orders can be super handy. Because notes automatically save not just the date and time they were added but also which site contributor added them, I think order notes are a great way for dispersed teams to make sure everyone’s on the same page about an order. Leave notes about client convos, delivery instructions, or reminders to help you make sure every customer has a great experience with you. For more on how you can manage customers in Squarespace, check out this post: How to Use Squarespace as Your CRM.

  4. Organize Customers Using Tags - Another feature to help you manage your customers better is the ability to tag them! This is another CRM-like feature that could definitely be used to help you target customers in a really personalized way. You could give your best customers a VIP tag or indicate customer preferences using tags that go beyond just what they purchased. For example, you could tag people based on which member of your team they work with, or by what month their birthday is, or even by their likelihood of purchasing again. You can really get creative with tags

  5. Create Discounts Codes on The Fly - iOS users can now also use the app to create, edit, and share discounts! Just tap the tag icon in the Commerce menu to get started. This ability really comes in handy so that you can create or manage your shop’s active discounts without having to log in to your full desktop website. This might be helpful if you’re on a call or chat with a customer and need to make something really quick just for them or just so you can update active codes while you’re away from your desk.

Ready to give it a try?

The app is available for download for both iOS and Android and I think it’s essential for anyone who is using their Squarespace site to sell goods or services as a way to streamline order fulfillment or just to make sure you’re offering the best user experience to your customers and clients.

Kristine Neil

Squarespace eCommerce Expert

My simple eCommerce solutions help you sell on Squarespace with confidence so that you can focus on running your business.

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