Using Squarespace as your CRM

Using Squarespace as your CRM

Alright, alright, alright - so Squarespace isn’t a “CRM” in the most traditional sense. But if you’re a small eCommerce business, it offers everything you need to sub as one, and (bonus!) all the tools you need to manage your customers are all right there in one place. Squarespace can help you manage everything from inventory to orders, payments, and refunds. It can even help you manage your customers (or - better yet - help them manage themselves).

Who this works best for:

  • Businesses that sell solely via their website (i.e. not a brick and mortar location)

  • Businesses that mostly sell physical or digital products or things like subscriptions or memberships (not so good for service-based businesses, jump to the bottom for my rec on that)

  • Businesses with smaller inventories

  • Businesses with a small team

How to Run Your Online Business With One Login

(Hint: it’s all in Squarespace)

  • With Customer Accounts enabled, customers can access all of their payment methods, shipping addresses, shopping carts, and order information in one place. The system will even help them reset their password on their own if they forget it. TL;DR all of this saves you admin time while also helping your customers feel totally taken care of. Moving along…

  • Even if you don’t have customer accounts enabled (or it’s not available on the plan you’re on) - you can still see all of that information in one, organized place online.

Other cool things you can do:

  • View key information for each customer like order history, email address, the total number of orders, average order value, and total money spent.

  • View customer information like name, email address, shipping & billing addresses

  • Add information to each customer account that’s private just to you and your team - things like tags and notes to help you take great care of your customer’s experience.

  • Email customers directly from their profile in your store’s back end, or if you use the Squarespace app call or email them directly.

  • Resend emails they may have missed like order confirmations or shipping confirmations

  • View and manage their subscriptions

  • View and manage orders for digital products including resending download links

  • Fulfill orders & send order fulfillment notifications with tracking info

  • Print order details for packing slips

  • View charges

  • Handle order cancellations

  • Process full or partial refunds

  • View and manage inventory

  • Search for inventory by product titles, tags, and categories or SKUs

  • Edit stock levels and receive notices when stock is running low

  • View and gift card purchases

If all of this isn’t cool enough, you can also export your order information as a CSV file so that you can provide it to your bookkeeper or accountant. If you use Xero, this can even be done automatically.

Another great option if you’re looking to manage all of your business activity in one place is looking at using Squarespace Scheduling. All of its built-in features make a great substitute for a lightweight CRM system.

Kristine Neil

Squarespace eCommerce Expert

My simple eCommerce solutions help you sell on Squarespace with confidence so that you can focus on running your business.

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