SEO & Squarespace

SEO & Squarespace

Highlighting Features & Busting Myths about SEO and Squarespace

As a web designer & developer, I naturally get a lot of questions about SEO or search engine optimization. As a Squarespace designer & developer, I also get plenty of questions about how choosing the platform itself affects SEO. This can be a complex and confusing subject with lots of information out there meant to confuse and conflate things and there are plenty of myths that I love busting whenever possible. Let’s do this!

The Backstory

Somehow back in the day, Squarespace got a bad rep when it comes to SEO. This may have been relevant in the early days of the service (Squarespace 5, anyone?! 😜) but the current platform which all new websites are built on features a robust toolkit when it comes to SEO. The best part is that no third-party apps are needed to be able to work on the SEO features of your site and you don’t need to get into any super-technical code either. 

Built-In Squarespace SEO Features

  • All Squarespace sites are optimized for mobile and all templates have been scanned with Google’s Mobile-Friendly Testing Tool to ensure that they are mobile-friendly. Google prioritizes mobile-optimized sites in search results. 

  • Areas where you can edit the search engine and page descriptions on both a site-wide and per-page basis. No third-party plugins are needed for this!

  • Sitemaps are automatically generated and itemize all of the URL and image metadata on your site. Everything is given proper priority and is ready to index regardless of the template you choose. 

  • SSL Certificates are included in every domain that is connected to a Squarespace site. SSL-secured websites rank higher than those that are not secure. 

  • Squarespace automatically generates clean HTML markup that can be read by search engines when your site is indexed without the need for any extra code or tags.

  • The tags that improve search engine indexing (alt, title, meta, and link tags) are automatically included. 

  • Clean URLs for all primary pages that are easy for search engines to read and index.

  • If you have multiple domains or use a custom domain on your Squarespace site, automatic redirects ensure that search engines will only see your primary domain.

  • Easy enabling of Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) to create lightweight versions of every page on your site so that they can load faster when people view your website on their phones. Sites with AMP may rank higher in mobile searches. 

  • Products on Squarespace are structured so that data like the product name, image, description, price, and URL so that Google can display this information as a rich search result

  • Automatic and easy integration with Google Search Console so that you can see Google search keywords analytics directly in your Squarespace analytics platform. 

The Secret to Getting Seen: CONTENT

One of the greatest misconceptions out there is that SEO is as easy as adding a plugin (something like Yoast if you use WordPress). The real truth is that plugins like Yoast are nothing more than a checklist. You’d be just as well off printing an actual to-do list and putting it on a clipboard next to your desk. These plugins do nothing for your SEO just by being connected. The secret to getting noticed is having great content, something that is completely independent of what platform your site is on or what SEO tools you may be using. That being the case, I know that people love checklists so here’s one you can work off of: 

  • Site Title (less than 60 characters, include keywords)

  • Site Description  (50-300 characters, make it a readable description)

  • Location Info (i.e.  a map and business contact information)

  • Use a Custom Domain 

  • Connect Your Social Media Accounts

  • Add SEO Descriptions (for each page, 50-300 characters) 

  • Page & Title Formats (for all individual pages, home, blog, shop)

  • Custom 404 Page 

  • Clean Blog post URLs (include post title in URL)

  • Clean Page slugs (use real words and make it relevant)

  • Verify site with Google Search Console

  • Index your site with Google

  • Verify your site with Bing Webmaster Tools

  • Connect your site to Google Analytics

  • Regularly check Google analytics search keywords panel and update content as needed

  • As content updates and changes over time, be sure to redirect or fix any broken links using URL redirects

  • Update your site frequently by blogging

  • Use keywords strategically 

  • Use Squarespace’s built-in features for creating headings

  • Add alt text to images

  • Add social sharing images to every page

  • Give images readable file names 

  • Use tags & categories on blog posts, products, and galleries

  • Link to other relevant content on your site 

  • Keep images under 500KB

If you’re looking for a great article that goes into more depth on some of these topics, I highly recommend checking out this post from Style Factory: Squarespace SEO (2021) — Checklist and Tips which has been updated for 2021 and has step-by-step info on a lot of the items on the list above!

Kristine Neil

Squarespace eCommerce Expert

My simple eCommerce solutions help you sell on Squarespace with confidence so that you can focus on running your business.

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