How to Sync Inventory Between Squarespace & Shopify

How to Sync Inventory Between Squarespace & Shopify

One of the biggest questions I get (aside from just how to connect Shopify to Squarespace) is at least how to manage inventory across all the different sales channels you may work on. Think about it: you probably have your main inventory on your Squarespace website but you also sell on Etsy, in person via your Square POS, on Amazon, or maybe also on a Shopify version of your site that’s geared towards a different audience. Being a multi-channel seller these days is a super smart strategy but the amount of admin time it takes you to keep all these things current, make sure you don’t oversell here so that you can meet demand there… well, my bet is that your time is worth wayyyyy more than $35/month.

Enter the solution: Trunk!

Trunk is a relatively new app to the Squarespace Extensions list but it caught my attention because it’s a simple solution to what could be a very complex problem: how to centralize your inventory between Squarespace and everywhere else you sell. Revolutionary, right?

How It Works

Whether you have just a few SKUs or thousands, getting set up is super fast and easy. Once things are synced you can think of Trunk as the hub for managing all your inventory. It will know when you sell something on Squarespace so that it needs to adjust inventory on Etsy. If you added some inventory on Shopify, adjustments are made across the board. The only secret is that you need to give all the products the same SKU number across all platforms; this will be how Trunk knows to keep them in sync.

Now, here’s the beauty of this: say you have a product that you market to different audiences. The best example I have of this is a product that you sell retail on one site but wholesale on another - same product, same inventory counts but possibly different names, descriptions, or costs. NOT A PROBLEM. So long as the SKUs match, sales on one platform will automatically adjust available inventory on any others you have connected.

You can also sync things down to the variant level so if you need to keep track of red shirts and blue shirts and black shirts, you can do that, too!

You Can Sync Inventory Between:

  • Shopify

  • Squarespace

  • Square

  • Amazon

  • eBay

  • Etsy

  • Faire

  • Quickbooks Online

  • Xero 🆕

If You Decide to Give it a Try

You can try Trunk out free for 14-days, which I’m always a fan of - just to see if you like it before committing. Pricing from there just depends on how many orders you process each month + whether you need basic or more advanced features. This also seems super fair to me since you only have to pay more if you actually sell more. If you’re thinking of expanding your business to take on multiple sales channels, just the time savings alone from having to keep track of and sync inventory on multiple platforms is worth its weight in gold. Keep in mind that if you’re actually looking for a way to just have a shop on Shopify + a site on Squarespace that that’s not necessarily what Trunk is for; for that, you should check out the Shopify Buy Button!

Kristine Neil

Squarespace eCommerce Expert

My simple eCommerce solutions help you sell on Squarespace with confidence so that you can focus on running your business.

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